A bit about me...

My name is Nicole Henderson. I am currently a student at the University of South Alabama pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. I have high hopes of one day having my own classroom. This blog is intended for you to learn more about my interests in education.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

7 Intelligences

Howard Gardner's research suggests that every one is intelligent. He states that individuals are intelligent in their own ways. There are some people that are extremely gifted in the interpersonal intelligence. They are our politicians, teachers, and social workers. The Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence produces our surgeons, actors, dancers, builders, and soldiers. Those that excel in the Verbal-Linguistic category tend to be writers, lawyers, and journalists. The Logical-Mathematical group gives us doctors, pharmacists, economists, and engineers. Intrapersonal people are usually therapists, theologians, and authors. Visual-Spacial people become architects, artists, and engineers. Musical people become on-air personalities, singers, composers. And the Naturalistic group cultivates gardeners, farmers, horticulturists and conservationists. It is our jobs as teachers to find the intelligence of our students and give them ways to cultivate their gifts.

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